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Open Letter to Xenophobia,

Love Letter, Letter, Typewriter, Girl, Model, Stockings

Dear Xenophobia,

A friend has compelled me to write to you for the sake of Ubuntu.
Just like Mahatma Gandhi told Hitler, I also feel this letter from me would be an
impertinence. Nonetheless, I will tell you about your dad, Apartheid. He
doesn’t make public appearances any more because he heard this story.

 An anthropologist had been
studying the social behavior of an African tribe,


House Of Curse?

Outside their chambers, they fight and give all indications that they are enemies. Or at least, that is what they want us to see. In fact they call themselves names to sell the act. But here is the truth, just like Pro-wrestling, it is all scripted and predetermined. The punches and the kicks maybe real, but at the end it is a win-win situation: money in the bank.


10 fascinating facts about countries. All of them will surprise you!

  • It is considered immature to smile in Bangladesh and as a result people don’t smile much. By Bangladesh standards, all my friends are immature especially with their meme-loving lives. In the same country, the left hand is considered to be unclean. The right hand is used when eating, passing food, or things. In other words if you are left-handed and happy,

Is Kenya the New Chinatown?

“Signing a contract with China is like, ascribing to the boiling frog effect; a fable describing a frog being boiled alive slowly. If you drop a frog suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if you put that same frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water gradually, it will adjust its body temperature accordingly until it reaches a stage beyond its capacity and dies foolishly” Someone noted.


ROBOTS, AI VS HUMANS: Are you ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Once upon a time, Nokia was a global market leader boasting a bigger national budget than Finland, the country it was founded. After few years, a source of national pride turned into shame, a story of rise and fall written and orchestrated by technology.  Such is the unforgiving and radical-transmutation nature of technology; Impatient and eternally flowering. The future of work is knocking,
