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Siblings, Brother, Sister, Children, Girl, Boy, People

To Mi alma, the girl of the Eden-mouth and the queen of the galaxy. Greetings from Hereland. To the beautiful you, not like the girls of magazine but the raw, natural and organic mortal that invaded my sense. To the lady, so glassy, in a world where people wear masks. You have given my world a meaning, I must admit.  You turned your soul home to many, no wonder your magic words curves smiles. Dictates of the majority has never been your style, you stand out. This raven I just let go out of the window of my thoughts, is to you my dear one, relaying a reminder of the rare specie you are . How you fell from heaven and refused to hang out with your fellow stars, is a story of another day.

But first tell me, what drives your intuition? How comes the world does not corrupt you like the others? The millennial don’t go to church, why do you?  Perverts don’t trick you, could it be because you are a butterfly, pretty to see but hard to catch? Surrounded by mediocrity, you refuse to be comfortable in conformity, congratulations! How I wish this was contagious. By the way the other day I heard that guy asking you out to a drinking party, and what did you say, “No. Thanks. I am full of Jesus.”  Wow, that was legendary! You don’t really forget who you are, do you? Thank your mum for me please. She deserves the credit for refining you.

My fine-piece, I have been wandering everywhere, from Hereland to Thereland, from Thatland to the Otherland, couldn’t find you. I guess God was still working His best magic on you. But here you are! When the slay queens wake up, wear blankets of make up so that they can show up to impress, you my queen dress up and with you head bowed and hands lifted up in worship surrender to your king above,  who knows you better. You are bright enough to know that in your relationship with Him, you will never be heartbroken. Instagram and facebook likes do not turn your world on, but visions and missions. You deserve more than the Nobel for the noble efforts you are putting to the revision of this world.

You have subscribed to high standard of morality, I salute you. You never trade your authenticity for approval, I take my hat off! You responded to the greatest calling there is and accepted Him as your personal savior, you deserve a standing ovation. You may not be perfect but there is no doubt you are the GPS in that path. Don’t be scared when it feels lonely. “ It doesn’t always mean you are lonely when you are alone”.

Don’t flock with the pigeons, you are an eagle. So mount on those wings and soar away; you know where to, right? You are as brave as a lioness, protect you throne. Draw the lines and keep them high above the pits. When He, returns, He will surely crown you! But before then my queen, am bending the knee, am fighting for your course. God let slip of you angel and my world says amen!

Till the trumpets sound, ciao adios!

23 Responses
  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2017


    • margaret mutua
      August 2, 2018

      Great piece Babito!

  • violetinsights
    October 10, 2017

    This is a lovely piece…

  • Engineer makatia
    October 10, 2017

    finest…i also wonder how incorruptible she is

  • Koo letta
    October 10, 2017

    Son I love this. Though I don’t know if am wrong…is this I hopeful exposition of your future alma mata

  • Rosemary
    October 10, 2017

    A great piece all ladies should read!
    Our identity is Christ, so is our DNA
    Congrats Babito & keep soaring higher as you shine this talent

  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2017

    This part imeni nice ‘Don’t flock with the pigeons you are an eagle, so mount on those wings and soar away; you know where to right?

    Berbito so are so talented

  • annmwihaki
    October 11, 2017

    Nice Piece Babito, iko on point.

  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2017

    nice piece. lovely

  • sherowbeth
    October 11, 2017

    nice piece. lovely

  • sherowbeth
    October 11, 2017

    i love this. nice piece

  • June kakenya
    October 27, 2017

    huh!!kind of reflection am jealous.. thz article awesome !!!

  • Purity Achieng
    September 11, 2018

    Wonderful!!!!? exciting expression of emotions.

  • Mwai Nyongesa
    September 11, 2018

    Babyto, what’s the difference between crushing on someone and lusting on someone?

    • Anonymous
      September 11, 2018

      Hello Mwai, Crushing is defined by yourself by what you appreciate in someone but Lust is finding someone sexually attractive.

  • Mutwiri
    September 11, 2018

    Great piece Babito!

    • Sergon
      April 29, 2020

      Perfect example of a woman tooted in Christ?? beautiful piece

  • Kendi Yvonne
    September 12, 2018

    I love this.?? Amazing work Babito ?

    • Sergon
      April 29, 2020

      Perfect example of a woman tooted in Christ?? beautiful piece

  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2020

    Hii kizungu yote na akakuwacha? Waschana wamataka niniii

  • Brenda Walela
    April 29, 2020

    Muy,muy hermoso!

  • Oyange A
    April 29, 2020

    Beautiful piece?

  • Asili
    April 30, 2020

    Wow such a great piece??… I love it.

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