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“This world is not my home”, a song that I have always enjoyed, reminding me that we are just pilgrims on a journey waiting for our permanent migration to our eternal home in heaven. We are passing through this life and rather quickly it seems, and yet it feels like forever. In a place where it doesn’t feel like home anymore, rendering us strangers in a strange world. However, our only hope lies in Jesus the founder of our faith and the life after. James 4:14, “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”

“When you are through with high school it’s either women, wine or both”, a teacher gratifyingly telling us this in a rather careless manner leaving me in a wonder. Nevertheless, it seems many including those we shared that same class are committed and zealous in proving him right. Gone are the days when real men lead women to Christ and here come the days where real men are identified by how fast they can lead women to their bedrooms.

The attention of men and women today have been turned from directing their thoughts and actions to heaven and pleasing our heavenly father, to worldly pleasures and treasures. The Bible forbids this in Matthew 6:19-20.
I was disturbed to learn that the pornography industry is worth 10 trillion Kenyan shillings an equivalent of Kenya’s 4 year budget. Daily, Porn websites averages close to 70 million visitation. It is also growing into one of the most downloaded contents on the Internet.

All these because of lust, a desire to please and feed the flesh with worldly pleasures and ignore the word of god, the nourishment of the soul. 1 John 2:16, “For all that is in the world, the lust of the fish and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world” Lust and love of the worldly treasures undermine the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus who for our sake was crucified on the cross; the two pieces which now is the bridge to heaven.

We are living in times where our body is no longer considered to be the temple of the Holy Ghost,1 Corinthians 6:19-20,and hence we can do whatever we want with them and so ‘my dress my choice’. Nowadays our phones have more security patterns, pins and passwords than our bodies where you need just to “slide to unlock”. The church has been turned from a Holy sanctuary of believers to a market place where preachers and sinners trade prayers for wealth respectively. Why this when Jesus is the way the truth and the life and hence we need to go through him to get to the father?-John 14;6.

There was a time people went to church, heard the truth and wept over their sins. Nowadays people go to church to hear a motivational speech and ignore their sins, the sole purpose Jesus came to earth. Worship can never be worship when it reveals the culture around us more than Jesus who is within us. Carrying the Bible around does not make you a Christian the same way carrying books around does not make you a professor. People love the Bible but ignore the verses.

And today many television programs and videos feed the craving for excitement and lust for the sensual and exposing people to violence, sexual sin and immorality. A medium that should have been used in the glory of the Almighty God has been turned into a theater for the drama of the devil and the more willing and accommodating audience of sinners. You are made to wonder how a girl lusting on a guy drinking a soft drink, you know which, is used to promote the sales of the drink. They can’t be blamed, however, as they have identified the priorities of humans.

Someone once said, “Technology is a good servant, but a bad master”. There is always controversy on whether Christians should adopt modern technology in their worship or not. Technology in itself is neutral. Nonetheless, the intentionality around its use makes it work for good or bad. For some instances in the Bible technology has been used for good and bad intentions. The building of the Solomon’s temple, 1 kings 6:1, and the Hezekiah’s tunnel, 2 kings 20:20, depended on the best technology there was. The building of tower of Babel also depended on the best technology only that it was for bad intentions.

Technology in this instances was used as a servant. The tragedy began when technology was turned into a master and hence users are turned into slaves. By its nature, social media was meant to strengthen bonds between people but unfortunately it has turned into a distractor. It brings us close to people who are far but take people close to us far from us. 2 John 1:12, “I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete”

Thankfully enough, we don’t need technology to reach God. For He sent His son from upstairs to downstairs so we don’t have to live in the basement but in upstairs for eternity, John 3:16. From us, He only requires salvation and righteousness for He already paid the debt on the cross: 1 cross + 3 nails= 4 given. God has no phone but I still talk to him. He has no twitter but I still follow him. He has no facebook but through faithbook, the Bible, He is still my friend. Through faith,which is like Wifi invisible but with the ability to connect you with what you need , I am able to reach God whenever and wherever I want and I am. I pray for the day when we wake up in the morning and grab our Bibles and not our phones.

“Refuse to let the world corrupt you”, wrote James in his letter, James 1:27. James was talking about this world, where what’s legal overshadows what’s right. A world where the opposite of courage is not cowardice but conformity and hence people fear standing for what is right for the horror of standing alone. In this world, our leaders have lost direction and sadly we are speeding in the same direction. They come to our Holy sanctuaries and we allow them to spread hate dividing us according to our ethnic affiliation, tribes, forgetting that we are ‘ tribe all’ under Jesus our Lord and savior. As much as we should recognize and respect our leaders we should remember that our true leader is Jesus, our constitution is the Bible and Our politics be the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We should let God be God. When he takes us through troubled waters, it’s probably because our enemies can’t swim. As we kneel before him let us remember that He has the power to make us stand before anyone. It’s my prayer that God shows us the value of things not the price. Let it be our promise that we will not bow to gods of money, power and sex but to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

3 Responses
  • koo letta
    May 7, 2017

    Soo true. Secularisation is being adopted by christians, the Lord God almighty has been made an option and nobody seems to care. Those that should lead mislead. But by His grace we shall overcome.

  • Esther
    May 8, 2017

    This rings true. A challenge to us all believers in Christ. This world is not our home

  • Rosemary Mukuhi
    May 9, 2017

    an awesome article! it greaves the heart to to accept the sad truth. but not all hope is lost. I believe in a generation of youths who will stand with the truth which is the word of God. we are that people. God revive us once more we pray, in our churches, institutions, societies and in all ways.

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